Nybble Security


Half a byte? A racing team? Answer here!

Our mission

Tools, yes, but not without real players

Automation, okay. Artificial intelligence, of course!

But all these tools are useless if no one is there to design, maintain and operate them.

At Nybble, we like technology that makes work easier, not technology that replaces the players.

Our mission: to put people back at the core of cyberdefense

Our values

Humanity & transparency

We defend IT systems, but also values:


security is everyone’s business. Every piece of knowledge, every skill, every point of view strengthens and emulates the team. Together, we go further.

Technical, financial and results transparency. A simple, efficient, ready-to-use offer.

A universal solution tailored to your needs, budget and company size.

Pragmatism in our choices, so that we can offer you just what you need, based on years of expertise.

Our team

Passion, Professionalism, Team Spirit and Determination, each team member gives his or her best to contribute to your success.